Lube Advisor

Got What’s and Why’s About Lubricants? We’ve Got Your Back.

It’s well known that salespeople who know more about the products and services that they sell, are the most successful. At Sinclair we value education and training. So it is a pleasure to announce Sinclair Lubricants & Fluids Educational Library, a multi-series professional development program that will give you access to a new online world of eLearning courses. This self-paced educational toolkit gives you instant access to the information you need to be successful in lubricants and fluids product knowledge. From passenger car motor oils to heavy-duty equipment applications, we’ve got you covered. Will give you the straight talk to broaden your understanding.


eLearning Access

How Do I Get Access to Sinclair Lubricants & Fluids Educational Library?

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eLearning Introduction Video

What will I expect to learn from Sinclair eLearning?

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